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8 Tips to Improve Smartphone Performance


Tips to Improve Smartphone Performance.

Smartphones have become an important part of our lives. Tips to improve smartphone performance we use these devices to communicate, work, play games, watch videos, and much more.

However, we often feel frustrated when our device becomes slow or doesn’t work as it should.

Here are some Tips to Improve Smartphone Performance of your device.

1. Remove or Disable Unnecessary Apps

Remove or disable apps that you don’t use regularly and move data like photos and videos to the cloud or external hard drive.

In this way, you can free up storage space and allow your device to work smoother.

2. Use Optimization Apps

This application can clean junk files, cache memory, and applications running in the background that are not needed.

Make sure to use a trusted and reliable optimizer application. Some of the popular applications include CCleaner, Clean Master, and AVG Cleaner.

3. Clean the Screen and Case Regularly

This will help maintain the performance and appearance of your device and protect it from damage.

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Also, don’t forget to buy a case and screen protector that can protect your device from scratches and bumps.

4. Turn off features that are not currently in use

Optimize your device settings by turning off unnecessary features such as Bluetooth, GPS and Wi-Fi when not in use.

Most of these features can tax your device’s performance. Also use battery saving mode to extend your device’s battery life.

By turning off unnecessary features and activating battery saving mode, you can reduce the load on your device and make it more efficient.

5. Always update your device with the latest updates

Every operating system update brings bug fixes, security and performance improvements which can make your device more stable and efficient.

These updates may also fix issues that may affect your device’s performance.

In optimizing the performance of your device, there are some things to avoid. First, avoid installing apps from untrusted sources.

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Apps from unknown sources can compromise your device’s security and impair its performance.

Second, avoid overcharging your device battery. This can shorten your device’s battery life and hurt its performance.

6. Update OS

Improving the performance of Android phones can be done by upgrading the Android OS version. OS updates on Android phones make the display look newer than the previous OS.

7. Turn off animation

The cellphone screen using animated moving wallpapers is also a problem for decreasing cellphone performance. To overcome this, you should turn off the animation so that the cellphone’s performance returns smoothly. The way you enter the settings menu then select about phone and look for device information or system. Then after entering device information or system, look for the column that displays the build number, touch 7 times to activate developer mode. A developer options menu will appear then look for window animation scale, transition animation scale and duration animation scale sequentially. Finally, change it to animation off.

8. Turn off auto-sync

To connect with all the accounts installed on the cellphone, of course you will need this auto-sync system. However, the bad impact is that it will hinder the performance of the HP itself. There are better recommendations, where you only have to download the MacroDroid – Device Automation application. Helping you to connect with your account when it’s important, and turn it off automatically when not in use.

Those are some Tips to Improve Smartphone Performance

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